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挪威奥斯陆大学(免学费 英文授课

2013-03-19 12:17 作者:admin 浏览:
奥斯陆大学(挪威语名为Universitetet i Oslo,拉丁文名为Universitas Osloensis)建成于1811年,是挪威最大及最古老的公立大学,位于首都奥斯陆。该大学同时也是斯堪的纳维亚半岛领先的大学之一。奥斯陆大学下设有路德教神学系,法律系,医学系,人文学系,数学与自然科学系,牙科学系,社会科学系以及教育系等8个系。奥斯陆大学开设有本科,硕士和博士专业,比如公共管理,教育学,健康管理与健康经济,古典学,文化与观点研究,艺术史,哲学等等。除此之外,奥斯陆大学还为来自世界各地的学生开设暑期课程(ISS)。
Master’s of Philosophy in Nordic Media
Master’s of Philosophy in Culture, the Environment,
and Sustainability
Master’s of Philosophy in English Language
Master’s of Philosophy in English Literature
Master’s of Philosophy in Gender Studies
Master’s of Philosophy in Ibsen Studies
Master’s of Philosophy in Nordic Viking and Medieval Culture
Master’s of Philosophy in Asian and African Studies:
Chinese Society and Politics
Master’s of Philosophy in Asian and African Studies:
East Asian Culture and History
Master’s of Philosophy in Asian and African Studies:
East Asian Linguistics
Master’s of Philosophy in Asian and African Studies:
Modern Japan
Master’s of Philosophy in Asian and African Studies:
Master’s of Laws in Information and Communication
Master’s of Laws in Maritime Law
Master’s of Laws in Public International Law
Master’s of Philosophy in the Theory and Practice of
Human Rights
Master’s of Science in Astronomy
Master’s of Science in Biology: Marine Biology
and Limnology
Master’s of Science in Biology: Toxicology
Master’s of Science in Biology: Ecology and Evolution
Master’s of Science in Chemistry
Master’s of Science in Computational Science and
Engineering: Computational Science
Master’s of Science in Geosciences:
Environmental Geology and Geohazards
Master’s of Science in Geosciences: Geology
Master’s of Science in Geosciences: Geophysics
Master’s of Science in Geosciences:
Meteorology and Oceanography
Master’s of Science in Geosciences:
Petroleum Geology and Petroleum Geophysics
Master’s of Science in Geosciences:
Physical Geography, Hydrology and Geomatics
Master’s of Science in Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Master’s of Science in Materials, Energy, and Nanotechnology
Master’s of Science in Mathematics
Master’s of Science in Master’s of Science in Modelling and
Data Analysis: Finance, Insurance, and Risk
Master’s of Science in Modelling and Data Analysis:
Statistics and Data Analysis
Master’s of Science in Molecular Biosciences: Biochemistry
Master’s of Science in Molecular Biosciences: Physiology
Master’s of Science in Molecular Biosciences:
Molecular Biology
Master’s of Science in Physics:
Biophysics and Medical Physics
Master’s of Science in Physics: Computational Physics
Master’s of Science in Physics: Electronics
Master’s of Science in Physics: Didactic Physics
Master’s of Science in Physics: Condensed Matter Physics
Master’s of Science in Physics:
Space Physics and Atmospheric Physics
Master’s of Science in Physics: Subatomic Physics
Master’s of Science in Physics: Theoretical Physics
Master’s of Science in Physics of Geological Processes
Master’s of Science in Informatics: Design, Use, Interaction
Master’s of Science in Informatics:
Language and Communication
Master’s of Science in Informatics:
Nanoelectronics and Robotics- Nanoelectronics
Master’s of Science in Informatics: Nanoelectronics and
Robotics – Robotics and Intelligent Systems
Master’s of Science in Informatics:
Nanoelectronics and Robotics- Signal Processing
Master’s of Science in Informatics: Programming and Networks
Master’s of Science in Informatics: Technical and
Scientific Applications
Master’s of Science in Network and System Administration
Master’s of Philosophy in Health Economics, Policy,
and Management
Master’s of Philosophy in International Community Health
Master’s’s of Philosophy in Economics
Master’s of Philosophy in Peace and Conflict Studies
Master’s of Philosophy in Development Geography
Master’s of Philosophy in Psychology: Cognitive Neuroscience
Master’s of Philosophy in Intercontextual Theology
Master’s of Philosophy in Religious Roots of Europe
Master’s of Philosophy in Comparative and International
Master’s of Philosophy in Special Needs Education
Master’s of Philosophy in Higher Education
Erasmus Mundus Master’s in Special and Inclusive Education*